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Virtual Exhibition

An Exhibition on Plural Ideas of Justice


Goludev by Ravinder Singh

Goludev or popularly known as Naya-k-Devta is one of the powerful local deity who is
popularly worshipped in the different caste and class section of Kumaun Hills of

The devotes of Goludev seeks out for his interventions for justice in two way, first by
submitting a written petition in a white sheet and as well as in official stamp paper in his
temples (Chittai temple at Almora and Ghorakhal at Nanital). These are hung with a brass
bell in the temple as a gratitude for the matter in the petitions getting resolved. Second, by
direct intervention of the divine by a ritual called Jagar. There are two performers in Jagar,
the Jagariya and the Dangriya. The Jagariya is the singer, who sings the Jagar, the
Dangriya or Nachnewala (one who dances) is that person who enters into the state of
“trance”. Both the Jagariya and Dangriya not often belong to male-upper-caste priests, many
times they are also women’s and the Dalits. The only rule in court of Goludev is truth telling.
The justice, from the court of Goludev is not religious or secular or social, as the deity is
directly involved in the process of justice, no priest and other human agent is involve in it.
The justice from the court of Goludev, is divine Justice, as the Justice is given by the divine
himself, which is based on is on day-to-day affairs, the meaning of justice changes with
every devote, even it is not valid in our present socio-political-economical and religious
context, devotee can seek the Justice from the court of Goludev.

(Disclaimer : The artwork in the exhibition represents the views and the work of artist alone)

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